Common Brake Issues: What Do Your Brake Lights Signal?
If the warning brake lights on your dash have been asking for your attention, it’s best to call auto repair experts immediately. While multiple components ensure the safety and longevity of your vehicle, brakes are crucial to ensuring you stay safe on the road.
The brakes of your car help you respond to sudden stops, avoid accidents, and maintain control at high speeds. If your brakes start malfunctioning, the result can be detrimental to the safety of your vehicle.
Hence, when those little lights on your dashboard start glowing, you shouldn’t ignore them. In this article, we’ll explore the most common brake issues that trigger warning lights, what those lights really mean, and what you can do to keep your braking system in top shape.
Let’s get started!
Common Brake Problems
Parking Brake is Engaged
Perhaps the most common cause of brake warning lights lighting up is the parking brake being engaged. If you’re like most people, you may know what it’s like to forget to release the parking brake fully, especially if you’ve been in a rush.
When that happens, the brake light will light up to indicate that the parking brake is on. It will usually stay lit until it’s disengaged.
The first thing to do when your brake warning lights glow is to check the parking brake to ensure it is fully released. If the brake light stays on even after you’ve released the parking brake, it may indicate an issue with the parking brake system.
In that case, call a brake repair shop to help you identify the issue and tackle it.
Worn Brake Pads or Shoes
Brake pads or shoes are the components connecting your brake pedal to the rotor. When you press the brake pedal, the pads clamp down on the rotor, creating the force that brings your car to a halt.
However, over time, this constant contact with the rotor generates heat and causes the pads to wear down. This can cause the brake pads to become thinner and less effective at stopping the car.

So if your car has a built-in indicator to alert you when brake pads are wearing thin, it’ll help you figure out when it’s time to get the brake pads changed. But if your vehicle does not have this feature, look out for the following signs that indicate faulty brake pads:
Decreased Braking Performance
When your brake pads are worn down significantly, your vehicle might not stop as effectively as it used to. You may have to apply more pressure to bring the car to a stop, or you might experience longer stopping distances, which could compromise your safety.
Squealing or Grinding Noises
If you hear a high-pitched squeal or a grinding noise while applying brakes, this is a good indicator that the brake pads are nearing the end of their lifespan.
When that happens, you’d want to get the brakes repaired immediately as metal backing plate rubbing against the rotor can be damaging to both the pads and the rotor, putting your safety on the road at risk.
Brake Pedal Vibration
Sometimes, your brakes pads may wear down unevenly, causing the brake pedals to vibrate or pulse when you apply the brakes. When that happens, don’t ignore the signs and call a brake repair shop to get your brake pads fixed.

Low Brake Level Fluids
Brake fluid is crucial to ensuring your vehicle’s braking system works effectively by transferring force from the brake pedal to the brake components. Hence, if the brake fluid is low, you may start to feel your car acting sluggish, unable to operate effectively.
This is one of the most common reasons for the brake light on your dash to light up. If you want to act proactively and prevent a low brake fluid situation, keep a close check on your brake fluid levels.
When you see that the brake fluid is below the minimum level, take it as a sign to get it topped up. Moreover, if the brake fluid has changed its color from clear or pale yellow to brown or black, it’s likely contaminated and should be replaced.
Besides getting your brake fluid topped up in time, make sure to keep checking your car for leaks. Brake fluid leaks can occur in the brake lines, hoses, calipers, or master cylinder. These should be addressed immediately, as they pose a significant safety risk by reducing braking power and potentially leading to total brake failure.
Malfunctioning Brake Light Sensor
While a faulty brake light sensor can seem like a minor inconvenience, it can quickly get out of hand and lead to safety hazards if left unchecked.
Some common causes of faulty brake light sensors include mechanical wear and tear. The constant movement that occurs every time you press the brake pedal can eventually cause the switch to wear out or break.
A loose wire, faulty connector, or short circuit in the system could also cause the brake light to turn on for no reason or stay on even when the brake pedal is+n’t being pressed.
If you notice that your warning brake lights go on and off unexpectedly without any issues with the performance of your braking system, it could indicate that your brake sensors or switch has been malfunctioning.

Issues With the Anti-Lock Brake System
If your vehicle has an anti-lock brake system, you’d know that it is supposed to prevent wheel lockup during hard braking.
If your vehicle’s ABS warning light comes on in addition to the regular brake light, it could signal a malfunction in the ABS system. While your brakes may still work without ABS, your ability to stop quickly in an emergency situation could be compromised.
If both the ABS warning light and the brake light have lit up, you should reach out to an auto repair expert to get your brakes checked. While driving without ABS may not be a huge risk under normal conditions, it’s still best to get the issue fixed before you face an emergency situation.
Schedule Your Brake System Inspection Today!
Have your warning brake lights been trying to tell you something? Don’t ignore them and get your vehicle inspected by a professional.
At 541 Imports, we specialize in keeping your vehicle’s braking system in top condition. Whether it’s a malfunctioning ABS, a faulty brake light sensor, or any other brake-related issue, our team of experienced professionals is here to provide the reliable service you need.
We understand that your safety is top priority, and we’re here to ensure your brakes are performing at their best.
Reach out to us for expert car services in Central Oregon!